Universal application – for reliable fixation


  • safe applications with a single incision
  • top-quality finish
  • refined instrument for diverse applications
  • simplified handling – now considerably easier to use
  • reusable
  • integrated safety
  • minimally invasive procedures – single incision
  • optimal use in combination with our implants and application sutures
  • little tissue trauma
  • easy passage through the tissues for greater safety
  • the suture is securely grasped
  • precise guidance of the suture grasper

SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney applications

The risks that may be encountered even with the correct use of the product are given in the Instructions for Use.

Further information

How to use the SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney

How to use the SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney TTT

Perfectly matched

The synergy between SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney and SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney TTT, the textile implants and our own specifically designed application sutures is perfectly matched.

Sutures for the SERAPRO® ARSD-Ney instrument:
Material Stength USP Strength EP Suture length Product number
SERALENE® blue 0 3,5 2 × 90 cm LN354300
SERALENE® blue 2/0 3 2 × 90 cm LN304300
SULENE® green 0 3,5 2 × 90 cm QN354300
SERAFIT® violet 0 3,5 2 × 90 cm 6N354300